Online Workshop: Preventing Abuse: Helping
Self-Advocates Become Sexual Self-Advocates

A Pre-Recorded, 90-Minute Online Workshop

Elevatus Training recorded training, “Preventing Abuse: Helping Self-Advocates Become Sexual Self-Advocates”. There is a photo of a chalkboard with the words, “Sexual Education = Sexual Abuse Prevention. There are also three circles pointing from the chalkboard that say, “Educate, Empower and Prevent.”

Workshop Description

Note: This is a pre-recorded, online workshop. Upon purchase, you will receive access to the video recording and any accompanying documents.

We know the rate of sexual abuse among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) is very high, 7 times higher than the general population.

We also want people with I/DD to lead full, healthy lives and have relationships that are enriching, supportive, and not exploitative. One way to help prevent abuse and support healthy, satisfying relationships is with sexuality education that teaches self-advocates to become sexual self-advocates.

This online workshop will cover the knowledge and skills needed to achieve this goal. We will explore the latest statistics regarding abuse and learn useful tips and tools for helping people become sexual self-advocates. We will discuss topics to include when working with self-advocates, such as body parts and body autonomy, skills for saying no, and the difference between healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships.

Learning Objectives

  • Explore how sexual self-advocacy reduces sexual abuse
  • Examine the knowledge and skills needed to prevent abuse while supporting healthy relationships
  • Review ways to teach this knowledge and skills to people with I/DD

Workshop Price: $30.00

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Workshop Leader

Headshot of Katherine McLaughlin.Katherine McLaughlin, M.Ed., CSE, is a national expert and trains individuals, staff, and parents on sexuality and developmental disabilities. She teaches sexuality education to people with DD/ID as well as trains them to be peer sexuality educators themselves. Katherine is the author of an agency and school curriculum, Sexuality Education for People with Developmental Disabilities, and has developed two online courses: one to train professionals, Developmental Disability and Sexuality 101, and one for parents, Talking to Your Kids: Developmental Disabilities and Sexuality. Katherine has spent her career trying to elevate the status of all people, which is why the new name for her growing company is Elevatus Training.

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