We are Elevatus Training
We Understand the Challenges of Addressing Sexuality With People With Developmental Disabilities
As national leaders in the field of sexuality and intellectual developmental disabilities and autism, we offer evidence and trauma-informed curriculum, online training, in-services, and workshops to help professionals, educators, self-advocates, and parents skillfully and confidently navigate the topic of sexuality.
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Welcome! I’m Katherine McLaughlin.
With 30 years of experience as an educator and trainer with a specialty in sexuality and developmental disability, I’m also a member of the disability community and understand both personally and professionally the issues people with disabilities face. We named the company to represent our mission – to elevate us all – especially people with disabilities.
The Top 8 Reasons to Work With Elevatus Training
2. Respect for One’s Humanity – We deeply believe that sexual rights are human rights. As such, you can count on the fact that all of our content and products are sex-positive, gender-affirming, inclusive, medically accurate, and age-appropriate.
3. Engagement – Our trainings are dynamic, interactive and include the most current topics. And the results speak for themselves. Our graduates and alumni are 87% more confident leading classes for individuals.
4. Self-Advocacy – We are fully committed to the self-advocacy movement – nothing about us without us – and we include those with disabilities to help create, teach and evaluate our products.
5. Leaders in the Field – When it comes to teaching sexuality and intellectual and developmental disabilities, we literally wrote the book. Sort of. Our one-of-a-kind curriculum on sexuality education for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities is being used by thousands of professionals, self-advocates and laypeople around the world.
6. Generosity – We firmly believe in the adage that knowledge is power. As such, we’re committed to equipping you with more than enough information, skills, and tools to be a confident sexuality educator.
7. Participant Empowerment – While we’re always available if you need us, our true goal is to educate and inspire you to the point that you no longer need us. We empower you to improve the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and Autism.
8. Customer Focused – Although it is the last item on this list, customer service is the top priority within our organization. We aspire to delight you and go a step beyond.
Developmental Disabilities and Sexuality:
Becoming a Sexuality Educator and Trainer
A 3-Day Certificate Training for anyone who works with people with developmental disabilities and wants to lead sexuality education classes and staff/parent trainings.
When it comes to talking about sexuality, people with disabilities are often excluded, almost as if they’re incapable of having sexual thoughts, feelings, and needs. In reality, they too are sexual beings who need the information and skills for making healthy decisions about sexuality. Though agencies who work with people with developmental disabilities know that sexuality issues need to be addressed, they often don’t feel comfortable or competent enough to do so. This training will give you the curriculum, tools, and skills you need to teach sexuality education classes and lead staff/parent trainings.
Next Training: Click the button below to see our training dates.
Katherine McLaughlin is a phenomenal trainer full of energy and knowledge. She is skilled at creating an extremely comfortable environment for people to learn about such an important and sensitive topic.
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