In the News/Media

Interviews, Articles, and Appearances with Katherine McLaughlin


ABCs of Disability Planning Podcast
The ABCs of Disability Planning podcast was created by Eric Jorgensen from True North Disability Planning as a way to introduce new organizations or individuals that are serving those with disabilities every week.

In this episode, Eric Jorgensen and Katherine McLaughlin chat about ways we can respect people with developmental disabilities, sexuality education, myths, tips for parents, getting buy-in, sexual rights, healthy relationships, and more.–Elevatus-helps-you-have-these-essential-conversations-e264jp4

Adjusting the Sails Podcast
This is a podcast for parents, caregivers, and providers of people with disabilities. In this episode, Katherine joins hosts Courtney Ringstaff and Melina Danko and expert panelists, Courtney Lanham and Abby Farris, to talk about why people with disabilities should be taught about sexual health and relationships, what the education should consist of, and why it’s within their human right.

BoggsCast: Sexuality and Developmental Disabilities with Katherine McLaughlinBoggs Cast Podcast logo. Headphone with audio recording symbol below.
Katherine McLaughlin was a guest on the Boggs Podcast. In episode 12, she discusses sexuality and developmental disabilities with Bethany Chase.

Dirty Chai Chats Podcast
In this informative episode, CARE summer intern Casey Weaver shares a conversation with Katherine about her 25 years of experience as a sexuality educator, where she offers personal anecdotes and gives insight on increasing social media accessibility and dismantling ableism within our culture of dating, hookups, and sex ed.

Disability & Sexual Health Series Podcast from the American Sexual Health Association.
In this episode, Sydney Roth and Katherine chatted about sexuality education for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Disarming Disability Podcast
Nicole Kelly and Sarah Tuberty speak with Katherine McLaughlin creator of Elevatus Training, which gives the tools to self-advocates, parents, and health care professionals on sexuality and disability.


Amaze Parents – Facebook Live
Tune into this chat with host Christine Koh and educator Katherine McLaughlin about disability and sexuality education, as well as general communication tips for parents.Headshot of Katherine McLaughlin and Christine Koh.

Watch the 23-minute chat

Diversity and Inclusivity
Katherine was the keynote speaker at the Diversity and Inclusion conference at the Keene, NH, YMCA. Two area residents spoke from their own experiences about privilege, stereotypes, and inclusivity.

Katherine McLaughlin speaking about diversity and inclusion at the Keene, New Hampshire YMCA.

Watch the 2 minute clip

Self-Advocacy in Action: Sexuality Training Interview
Host Gwen Squire, a self-advocate, and Katherine chat about sexuality education, myths, managing values, and training offered by Elevatus.

Sain TV logo.

Dirty Chai Chats Podcast logo. An orange coffee cup that says, Dirty Chai Chats, with steam floating from the top of the mug and two plant sprigs popping out from the sides of the mug.

Here We Are Brattleboro’s Community Talk Show logo. An aerial picture of the town of Brattleboro, Vermont. Here We Are – Brattleboro’s Community Talk Show
Host Wendy O’Connell interviews Katherine on a number of topics, including why sexuality education is important, disability awareness, and how Katherine’s membership in the disability community impacts her work, and how she came to develop her curriculum, Sexuality education for People With Developmental Disabilities.

Watch the 30-minute interview

A group of people in a room attending the Elevatus Training three-day certificate training, “Become a Sexuality Educator and Trainer.” Approaching Sexual Education in a Different Way
Fox 21 News in Duluth, MN, interviewed Katherine at a recent Becoming a Sexuality Educator and Trainer session.

Watch the short clip


Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council logo. Jason’s Advocacy Corner Episode with Katherine McLaughlin
Host Jason Snead chats with Katherine McLaughlin about the overturning of Roe V. Wade and the way it affects people with developmental disabilities, sterilization, medical interventions, and thoughts on the future.

#Nolimits Episode with Katherine McLaughlin: Tips for Parents/Guardians
In this episode, host Shelley Kenow and Katherine McLaughlin talk about tips for parents and guardians when it comes to talking with their young and adult children about sexuality and healthy relationships.


Screenshot of the NPR Abused and Betrayed article, “For Some with Intellectual Disabilities Ending Abuse Starts with Sex Ed.” There is a group of people in a room. A few of the people are raising their hands. Abused and Betrayed – Special Series by Joe Shapiro on NPR’s Morning Edition.

Listen to the piece here


Keene Sentinel interviewed Katherine about Elevatus Training

Read the article

To book Katherine, contact her at: or call 603-399-5777.
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